Yesterday was an interesting day. I had some visitors that brought me a very delicious milkshake, probably the best i had ever had. Then I actually watched tv, for the first time in over a month!! Crazy!! Bingo was as always,an epic fail. I never win anything good!! After bingo we got our Halo group together around the nurses station. Josh, the only boy, had promised to let me pain his nails. He kept his promise. There was a crowd of patients, student nurses, and nurses around us the whole time. I have to say they looked very good. I was able to make pretty good looking flowers on a very small nail space. However, it didn't last long. I didn't expect it to. Then before bed we all said goodbye to Megan. It was sad. She was a crazy little girl but she was so sweet. Every night she came in and gave me a hug before bed. Her surgery was today and from what I've heard it went well.
Today was a very good food day. For breakfast I had a leftover donut that someone brought me from Dunkin Donuts. Then for lunch Ellen and her daughter, some friends, came and brought Mcalisters. It was delicious. I got my x rays done right before I ate. Then this afternoon I had to go get pictures done. It was awful, I hate that!! It was really awkward because it was a guy. But this time I did get to wear a halter which helped. After that I mediated a dispute between the two Kimberly's so now all is good. Yesterday I was forced to stay while Kim told Josh she liked him. These last few days have been my own living, watered down "Greys Anatomy", pretty exciting I must say. For dinner we all got to order from McDonald's and I ate all my food. Then as I was going to the RT room one of Angela's friend stopped by to bring me a smoothie. After the activity, in which I got a crappy prize a stuffed worm, I started to drink my smoothie. Then not too long after that in walks my resident. What was in her hand? None other than a milkshake for me. I told her I feel like I'm a cow they are fattening to slaughter. She thought it was funny, okay maybe it was a little bit funny. I feel so full it's crazy!!
The last two days have been pretty busy which has made them seem to go by a bit faster. I am just hoping they keep going this fast. I'm also hoping for some warm weather so I can go outside again. None of this snow stuff, it's March!! I also would love to get to sleep in!!!!!!!!!
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