Thursday, April 14, 2011


One week from today is my first big surgery!  It was supposed to be today until they moved my dates.  I was not too happy about that all day.  I was actually pretty mad about it.  But this evening God reminded me he knows what he is doing.  My resident came in and told me she had good news for me.  She is going to be in my surgery.  When I mentioned my unhappiness over me not being in recovery at that very moment she told me that if I had had my surgery today she would not have been able to be there.  It all makes sense now.  I see why the dates had to change.  I really want her to be there and knowing she will be makes me feel a little better about the whole thing.  I'm so thankful that God is so patient with me and when I need it he sends me little reminders that he is in control and he knows what he is doing!  I also found out that not only am I having 3 vertebrae removed I'm also having pieces of my ribs removed.  Apparently my spine isn't just curved it's rotated.  My spine is touching my ribs in the back.  To be able to put in the screws that will attach the rods that will make me straight some pieces of ribs will have to go.  So my surgery will be a little more different, and of course more complicated, than everyone else's.  What can I say. . . I'm complicated! 
The last week I have eaten so much food.  It's totally crazy!!  As a result I gained 2 1/2 pounds in one week!!!  Very excited about that!  I downed a pretty good sized milkshake Rachel speed (really fast) on a full stomach.  I can even tell that I'm gaining weight, finally!

Today I had what will have been my last "Great Lengths Club" meal.  It's the dinner for kids who are here long term.  I was the only one tonight.  But it was pretty fun.  I have one more teen meal before it's off to surgery I go!

Earlier this week I had a pulmonary function test.  I went from 30% function to 35% after over 7 weeks of traction.  Not very encouraging to me.

I am now the only one left here that has not had at least one spine surgery.  I hate being last.  In school I always went first to get it done and over with.  That didn't work out so well this time.  I imagine I am supposed to be learning a lesson.  Last night and tonight I have a private room.  My roommate and very close friend here went to surgery yesterday morning.  I got up early with her and hung out before she went down.  Her host mom came up and gave me updates and messages from her after surgery.  She really wants to see me.  It's weird because we have pretty much been inseparable here, we've done everything together for the past month.  It's going to be hard once she leaves the hospital and even harder when she goes back home to Belize.  I HATE saying goodbye.  My other friend from Belize and I talked yesterday.  She is doing great!  I miss her too!

Yesterday and today were not my best days.  I spent most of the day in pain. The pain was completely unrelated to the 6 screws in my skull or the 30 pounds hanging off my neck, killer cramps.  This was made much worse by the fact I can't have ibuprofen since I'm about to have a spinal fusion.  Tylenol is useless.  Yesterday morning in PT I made it 10 minutes then in the afternoon I made it 15, both at 2.5 mph instead of 3, today was 8 minutes and 12 minutes at 2 mph.  But luckily Rachel spent a good part of yesterday with me so that definitely helped distract me and today I had a good friend with me.  I was out of traction a lot too.  I also laid down in bed during the day for the first time in almost 2 months!  It was nice.  I miss it.  I can't wait to be home so I can nap!!  My surgery is soon, really soon.  It seems weird to me.  All this waiting and it's finally almost here.  I'm a bit nervous but still really excited!!  Ready to put this all behind me!

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